The following is from The Clover Gazette: Buncombe County's 4-H Newsletter (19 April 2010):
Brent Jennings, an Extension 4-H Youth Livestock Technician with NC State University in Raleigh, has been working with a group to put together a book on the history of cattle in North Carolina. This group is working extremely hard to compile as much information as possible about the industry into this book. He is asking that a livestock club in each County do some research about the Cattle Industry in their county. This includes old pictures, magazine articles, or news releases. They would love to get feedback on the key leaders in the community regarding the cattle industry. Good resources will likely be older cattlemen, extension agents (perhaps an interview with Mr. Steve Duckett or Mr. Jeff Bradley?), agriculture teachers, and the local library. We hope that a club in Buncombe County will help with this project and represent our county in the book! This is an excellent learning project! Please don’t hesitate to contact Brent Jennings at 919/515-4467 if you have any questions.
Buncombe County 4-H is the youth development program of the Buncombe County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension, serving all Buncombe County youth, ages 5-19. For more information, contact Mary Clayton-McGlauflin, Extension 4-H Agent, at 828.255.5522 or mary_clayton-mcglauflin@ncsu.edu
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